Yes Im not talking about Feta cheese.
Fettah is a side dish or appetizer that 100 % always contains chick peas and 90% contains eggplant.
There are many ways in creating a Fettah and you can always be creative with it and add your own touch.
I'm introducing here three ways to make a delicious Fettah.
Recipe #1 ( Layered Fettah )
1. 1 small eggplant peeled and cubed
2. 1 1/2 cup chick peas ( about 2 cans)
3. 2 garlic cloves minced
4. 1 cup yogurt
5. 2 lemons squeezed
6. 1/4 tea.s white vinegar
7. 1/4 chopped onion and 1 diced tomato
8. salt and oregano to taste,cumin
9. sumac and parsley and small fried pita bread squares (optional ) for garnish

1.saute the eggplant cubes in olive oil until done,then season with vinegar and oregano
2. in the bottom of your serving bowl or Pyrex mix in the chick peas with minced garlic and a pinch of salt with 3/4 of the lemon juice
3. saute the onions then add the tomatoes and cook until melted together.season with cumin and salt (optional)
4. top the chick peas with the sauted onions and tomatoes then on top of that put the eggplant
5. mix the reaming lemon juice with yogurt and pour it on top,sprinkle sumac ,parsley leaves and fried pita squares...Set it in the fridge to cool for an hour or so...Enjoy..
Recipe #2 ( Mixed Fettah )
1. 1 eggplant peeled and cubed
2. 2-3 potatoes peeled and cubed
3. 1 1/2 cup chick peas ( about 2 cans)
4. 1 cup yogurt
5. 1 1/2 table.s Tahini
6. 1 lemon squeezed
7. salt,black pepper,garlic powder,turmeric for seasoning
8. sumac,parsley flakes for garnish
1. saute the eggplant in olive oil until done then season with little salt
2. fry the potatoes and season with turmeric ( optional ) and salt and black pepper
3. in the serving Pyrex mix in the chick peas and garlic powder then add the eggplant and potatoes and mix
4. mix the yogurt with Tahini and lemon juice and spread evenly on top.
5. garnish with sumac or parsley flakes...Enjoy..
Recipe#3 ( Saucy Fettah )
1. 2 cans chick peas
2. 2 tomatoes
3. 3/4 cup chopped parsley
4. salt and black pepper and cumin to taste,a dash of sumac ( optional )
5. 2 lemons squeezed
6. 3/4 cup yogurt
7. 2 table.s olive oil
8. 1 minced garlic clove
9. fried pita bread squares
Method :
1. in a food processor or blender,blend in the tomatoes with parsley,garlic,lemon juice,seasoning and olive oil
2. in a serving bowl mix all together with the chick peas and yogurt.
3. cool for 30 minutes or so then serve topped with fried pita squares...Enjoy..
#you can adjust the mixture color and taste by reducing or adding more tomatoes and parsley or yogurt..This recipe you can play with :)