
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mandi Chicken ( Smoked rice & Chicken )

This is one of the easiest but yet tasty dish that you can fix for lunch or dinner.
You can make it with either chicken or lamb.

Ingredients: ( 2-3 servings )

1. half chicken
2. 2 cups of rice soaked for 15 minutes at least
3. few strings of saffron soaked in 2 table.s of rose water for 15 minutes at least the more the better,if you have a shot glass you can fill it. 
4. chicken stock : 1 bay leaf, 4-5 cardamom seeds,3 cloves,2-3 inches long cinnamon stick,dash of salt 
5. chicken topping : 1 heaping table.s yogurt, 1 tea.s tomato sauce(if u have a paste make it 1/4tea.s) , pinch of turmeric, garlic powder and curry powder and cumin, drops of the rose water with saffron and if u like add a little of clarified butter.
6. 1 quick lightning charcoal briquet
7. sauted onions and tomatoes for garnish


1.mix the chicken topping ingredients mentioned and set aside in the fridge.

2. boil the chicken in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes or until its done with all the chicken stock spices mentioned above.

3. when its done cover it with the topping sauce made earlier and broil it in the oven until browned

4. mean while boil the rice in the chicken stock with 2 1/2 tea.s of salt ( remember each cup of rice takes 1 1/4 tea.s salt ). boil for 2-3 minutes on high then drain it. return it to the pot and add a pinch of turmeric and the rose water and some clarified butter if u like just fold it in gently to give a little color and cover and let it finish cooking on low heat.

5. when the rice is done make a whole in the center and surround it with the chicken.
light up the charcoal until red and have a tiny heat standing ceramic or glass cup or whatever you got filled half way with oil and placed in the center of the rice and chicken.
when the charcoal is heated carfuly place it in the cup and quickly close the pot so it will absorb the smoke.
leave it for 15-20 minutes then its ready to eat...Enjoy..

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